How long has your rigid, scary left brain been stopping you from experiencing life how you really want to? Probably longer than you even think, because our left brain is really good at making us believe that it is in control and actually helping us, when often it is stagnating our growth.
This is what we spoke about today with Megan Miller, Founder of Aprovechar Language Solutions. Megan is a member of The School and has been on an expansive journey of learning to trust her intuition and lead her business and life from that beautiful, expansive place we call the Right Brain. In this live interview we celebrated the launch of her INCREDIBLE podcast Una Palabra Sola, where I got to witness the magic she has been hiding from the world because her left brain was telling her that she wasn’t deserving enough YET.
If you feel like you are living with unfulfilled potential and not taking action on things your soul is dying to experience, watch this interview with Megan. It will inspire you to trust yourself and take the leaps.
We also recently interviewed Megan on our current Podcast series called “Say YES to your YES: How to trust your gut and take the leap in business (and life). She shared how her intuition led her out of a dark place and to her passion for Spanish. Listen to the episode here!
Connect with Megan here:

Meet Your Mentor
Jennifer Jane Young is an Intuitive Business & Leadership Advisor, Founder of The School of Intuitive Leadership and former United Nations Consultant. She helps entrepreneurs & leaders find the path of least resistance, make the biggest impact and create sustainable, aligned success through right brain/intuitive leadership.
She brings together the last 13 years of her experience, coaching, advising and managing start ups to multi-6 and 7-figure businesses, her background in Yogatherapy and experience leading a community of entrepreneurs for the United Nations of 5000+ members, in partnership with the International Trade Centre in Geneva, Switzerland.
Jennifer facilitates growth, flow, and transformation for heart-centered, impact-driven entrepreneurs and businesses. She helps her clients translate their visions & intuitive guidance into practical actions and helps them find the most intuitive and aligned solutions and path forward to success.
Jennifer is the author of "Say YES to your YES: How to trust your gut and take the leap" and the host of her podcast "Finding Your Flow".
She is currently living in between Canada and Mexico with her two rescue dogs.