The School of

Intuitive Leadership

“The actions you are not willing to take or the decisions you are not willing to make, are the ones that will change your life.”

Jennifer Jane Young

Business & Leadership, the Right Brain Way


Most of us spend the majority of our days functioning on automatic, from the left side of our brain and our conditioning, feeling frustrated, stuck and exhausted from taking lots of action and experiencing the same unfulfilling results. We crave growth, success and deeper fulfillment yet we are searching for it where it can’t be found – in the limited potential of the left brain – our comfort zone. We lead from there because it is safe, known and dependable. 

The School of Intuitive Leadership is a community that helps entrepreneurs, creatives and anyone who wants to live outside of the box, learn to lead their businesses and lives intuitively so they can experience more ease, flow and exponential personal and business growth.

With us, you will continually uplevel your personal leadership, nurture your creative potential and strengthen your natural gifts, paving a more seamless path to success and deep personal fulfillment – removing friction from your journey. We do this by taking intuitive driven actions and decisions – TOGETHER! At The School, you’ll be held to your highest potential and to the actions you need to take so you feel supported in reaching for your biggest dreams.

Some of the top leaders of our time like Richard Branson, Sarah Blakely and Oprah have noted creating their success because they led from their intuition.

At The School, we help you learn the language of your intuition (yes it’s like learning a new language) and find the courage to feel safe enough to take imperfect actions in the direction that your intuition is guiding you towards.

We show you how to lead from the infinite potential of your right brain where your intuition, creativity, imagination, solutions and new ideas live and teach you to leverage your beautiful left brain to then make practical things happen! 

Becoming a member is like joining a collective of incredibly supportive, creative entrepreneurs & leaders who hold you to your highest potential so that you have the courage to follow your intuitive YES in every moment.

Introduction to Intuitive Leadership Course

Start living the life you are actually yearning for, your way!

INCLUDES: A digital copy of the Say Yes to Your Yes Book.

In this course 12-week course, you will learn how to listen to, trust and take action on your intuitive guidance, how to better understand the language of your intuition and define the difference between intuitive-driven action and ego-driven action.

You will discover the ideal inner environment that is required to access the powerful wisdom that is living inside of you all the time, trying to guide you forward to what is most aligned for you and what will lead you to the most success and fulfillment.

You will leave with practical guidance on how to nurture that ideal inner environment and how to take imperfect action on what feels right inside of you and bypass the fear and limited thinking that keep us stuck in the same ruts for so long.

There are 5 modules to this course:

✨ Course Introduction
✨ What is intuition and how does it work
✨ How the nervous system and the brain impact intuition
✨ How energy impacts intuition
✨ Ego VS Intuition: How to get unstuck and access a flow state

Following the first week of course modules delivered daily to your inbox, you will continue to receive weekly Intuitive Lessons and Guided Meditations for a total of 12 weeks.

Jennifer Jane Young - Intuitive Leadership - Say Yes to Your YES Book

Start the Course

It is not often that meeting a new person affects me the way that I’ve been affected by Jennifer Jane Young and her Intuitive Leadership content. She presents it with a clear nod to science!

I am now choosing to “Say Yes to my Yes. Need that spark? Follow Jennifer and pick up a copy of her book!

Toddi Norum

Explore Intuitive Leadership

Meet Your Mentor

Jennifer Jane Young is an Intuitive Business & Leadership Advisor, Founder of The School of Intuitive Leadership and former United Nations Consultant. She helps entrepreneurs & leaders find the path of least resistance, make the biggest impact and create sustainable, aligned success through right brain/intuitive leadership.

She brings together the last 13 years of her experience, coaching, advising and managing start ups to multi-6 and 7-figure businesses, her background in Yogatherapy and experience leading a community of entrepreneurs for the United Nations of 5000+ members, in partnership with the International Trade Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. 

Jennifer facilitates growth, flow, and transformation for heart-centered, impact-driven entrepreneurs and businesses. She helps her clients translate their visions & intuitive guidance into practical actions and helps them find the most intuitive and aligned solutions and path forward to success.

Jennifer is the author of "Say YES to your YES: How to trust your gut and take the leap" and the host of her podcast "Finding Your Flow".

She is currently living in between Canada and Mexico with her two rescue dogs.

“Jenn’s business support helps break down walls that are keeping us stuck, initiates powerful brain synapses that bring clarity and help us get through mucky moments. We leave feeling empowered!”

Megan Miller

CEO , Aprovechar Language Solutions

Read About Intuitive Leadership

The Truth About The Gut Feeling

The Truth About The Gut Feeling

The Truth About The Gut Feeling With Carina Raisman Join our guest expert Carina Raisman at The School of Intuitive Leadership to learn the truth about that gut feeling we all have. The « gut feeling » is being proved by research to extend beyond a proverbial saying...

You Are Intuitive

You Are Intuitive

You Are Intuitive With Monica Carota Join our guest expert Monica Carota at The School of Intuitive Leadership, to dive deeper into understanding intuition, how it works, how it speaks to you and break through some myths that might be getting in the way of you living...

Contact us

For information about our courses, programs or to learn more how we can support you reach out to or fill out the form below.

For more information on booking Jennifer to speak at an event, in your organization, on your podcast, etc click here.

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